Intuitive and smart, with
a highly skilled support team
ready to help.
The Leader in infrared imaging & Complete office suite
"Built for Thermographers by Thermographers"
Fully integrated infrared image analysis tools and the No. 1 selling database for field force automation and data collection.
Easy to use
Unique experience by obtain better speed, flexibility, and accuracy during your inspection and post-inspection process.
Ties in with every aspect
of your operation to improve
efficiency and lower costs
Imagine seamless integration of your infrared PdM program with IR cameras, computers/data and web technology.
How it works?
Thermal Trend – Lean DB.
Lean DB technology
Lean DB is an easy and effective Enterprise Database system for Desktop computers and tablets, allowing you superior data management and analysis of your facility’s Infrared PdM Inspection Program.
Smart Framework
Lean Thinking
Build upon the foundation of “Lean Thinking” as it applies to establish, conducting and managing a truly World Class/ Best Practices Predictive Maintenance Program.
Powerful SQL database
A powerful SQL database manages data associated with your Infrared PdM program — from scheduling to generating reports for your IR inspection.

Lifetime Support
Maximizes your investment protection by providing maintenance for as long as you use your Thermal Trend software.
Easy to use
Simplify Your Inspection Process. Streamline your operations.
1600 Customers
The Professional Thermographers choice when it comes to establishing, performing, and managing Infrared PdM inspection programs.Enterprise database expandability and scalability to meet any thermographers needs.
Lines of Code
Happy Customers
Cups of Coffee
This program does everything you want it to do!

Choose your pricing plan
Thermal trend DB is proven end-to-end solutions for managing your PdM Infrared Program. An affordable and easy to use software for every organization.
Thermographers Desktop
Single device license
Database application upgrade for (1) desktop with full administrative privileges
Unlimited sites entry
Fully integrate TT Image Analyze
Full administrative privileges
1 Month Support
Enterprise Server Edition
Single device license
1 Server app for the server with TT Synch Server Management
1 Year Maintenance & Upgrade
1 Month Support
Maintenance Planner
Single device license
1 desktop application
Limited administrative privileges
1 Month Support
Manager Viewer
Single device license
1 desktop application
Limited administrative privileges
1 Month Support

Lean DB effective Enterprise Database systems.
With Thermal Trend - Lean DB, your information is where you need it—in the palm of your hand—on the plant floor!
managing your inspection database
With Thermal trend office suite